If you have come to our website directly to book a flight (not via a metasearch service), then you are able to cancel your purchase within 30 minutes after completing your booking. To cancel a purchase please do the following:
- Login to your Booking.
- Select a passenger whose tickets you would like to cancel.
If there are several passengers in the booking, you will need to make a separate cancellation for each passenger. You will receive an email confirming that tickets of the particular passenger have been cancelled. Please read this information carefully.
- Submit a ticket cancellation request.
Important notice
- Please be informed that OneTwoTrip operators need to request an approval from the airline to cancel your tickets. Sometimes airlines do not approve free cancellations.
- If your flight departs in less than 48 hours, OneTwoTrip will not be able to arrange for a free cancellation.
- If you paid for your booking via OneTwoTrip, no service fees will be refunded.
- You cannot cancel your purchase if you have already changed your ticket or used it to fly just a part of your intended itinerary.
Customers visiting our website via a metasearch service cannot cancel their tickets free of charge. A cancellation fee of £15 will be charged.