Customers registered on OneTwoTrip can save even more by redeeming their Promo Codes as payment for their bookings.
A Promo Code is a discount. For example, you need to pay €100 for your stay. You apply a €20 Promo Code, so you'll have to pay only €80. This amount will be charged immediately after the booking has been made. It applies to Pay Now bookings (the full price of your stay is charged by OneTwoTrip immediately after booking).
How to book a hotel using a Promo Code:
1. On the search results page, please select a hotel with a "Pay Now" option (full prepayment). You can apply a special filter to do that.
2. To book your selected hotel, please enter the guest(s) details along with your email and phone number to get in touch with you should the need arise. Please note that if you logged in, these details will be filled in automatically from your profile. Press "Use Promo Code", enter your promo code number in the popup window and press "Activate".
3. After verification, your promo code will be counted as a discount.
4. Enter details of the card you would like to use to make the payment and press Complete Booking. Your credit card will be charged the total cost of your booking minus the above mentioned discount.
What do I do if an error occurs when activating a Promo Code?
OneTwoTrip reserves the right to change without notice the terms of the Promo Code programme, so please check your Promo Codes when selecting an offer to be booked.
If the Promo Code cannot be applied to the offer you selected due to the restrictions set, you'll receive an error message.
We recommend that you try entering the Promo Code again to make sure you did not mistype anything. If the error keeps occurring and you don't understand why, please contact the OneTwoTrip Customer Support.
I have selected a hotel but there is no field to enter my Promo Code. What am I doing wrong?
Promo Codes entitle you to a discount on Pay Now offers.
Are there any Promo Code restrictions? How do I know if any restrictions apply to my Promo Code?
The following is the list of possible restrictions on Promo Codes:
- Minimum cost of booking;
- Validity;
- Dates of stay and duration of stay;
- Offer type: some Promo Codes apply to Pay Now offers only.
I selected a Pay At Hotel deal, entered the Gift Certificate Promo Code, but the system returned an error. Why?
Gift Certificates do not apply to Pay At Hotel deals.
I selected a Pay At Hotel deal, entered the Promo Code that I generated from my Bonus Account, but the system returned an error. Why?
Promo Codes generated from your Bonus Account cannot be used to book Pay At Hotel deals because such Promo Code is just a part of your Bonus Points which would return to your Bonus Account. These Points are not considered as a deferred discount.
I've got a Promo Code. Can I use it without any restrictions?
Most likely, you can't. All Promo Codes have their restrictions — from validity period to minimum cost of booking. We try to inform you of all restrictions at the time of giving you the Promo Code.