- A refund request is accepted if there are more than 24 hours left before departure. You can also cancel your ticket directly with the airline.
- If you have already checked in for your flight, you must cancel the check-in to request a refund. To do this, contact the airline by phone, on the website, or through its representatives at the airport.
- If you booked a multi-leg flight, you could get a refund on the whole itinerary only. Refunds of just one or several segments of the itinerary are not allowed.
- Whether or not you can refund your tickets, depends on the terms set out in the fare rules, and the final refund amount depends on the fare rules at the time of processing the refund request. A OneTwoTrip service fee will be charged for a ticket refund.
- The agency fees and applied discounts are non-refundable.
- If the refund option is not available, then the ticket cannot be refunded.
- If the refund is not available, you will receive a notification stating the reason why your refund request has been cancelled.
You can apply for a ticket refund in the OneTwoTrip mobile app or on the OneTwoTrip website.
The refund process includes:
- Creating a refund request.
- Processing the request (calculation of the refund amount).
- Confirmation of the calculation by the traveler.
- Processing the refund.
- Crediting the funds.
How to request a refund
1. Creating a refund request
In the OneTwoTrip mobile app, go to Bookings and select your booking. Click Ticket Change and Refund → Create a Request → Refund a Ticket. Enter details of passengers and flights, then select Voluntary Refund.
On the OneTwoTrip website, go to My Travel, select Ticket Change and Refund → Refund a Ticket. Enter details of passengers and flights, then select Voluntary Refund.
There will be two options available:
- “Please calculate my refund amount”: select this option if you are not sure you want to cancel the ticket. In this case, a request will be created without cancelling the booking, and your ticket will remain active.
- “Please cancel my tickets. I definitely won’t take my flight”: select this option if you are sure you will not fly. Once you've created a refund request, your tickets will be automatically cancelled; you will not be able to use them even if there is no refund amount or the request is cancelled.
To confirm your request, enter the code you receive via SMS and email.
If you have created a request for a refund calculation and then decided not to fly, cancel it and create a new one selecting a different refund option.
2. Processing the request
It takes some time to calculate the refund amount. When it is ready, you will receive notifications to the phone number and email address provided at the time of booking.
3. Confirming the calculation
The request will display information about the amount of time for confirmation, the refund amount, and the fee. If the payment was made to OneTwoTrip, click the Confirm button; if directly to the airline, click Payment (to pay the service fee for the ticket refund).
4. Processing the refund
Once the calculation / service fee payment has been confirmed, it will take some time to process the refund. You will be notified when everything is ready.
5. Crediting the funds
The money will be credited to the card you used to pay for the tickets within 3 to 30 days.